
Showing posts from 2013

What's the Deal?

As I planned to begin something new in my life, I remembered the television game show, Let’s Make a Deal. To play the game, an audience member is chosen. Then he or she talks to the host and answers a question correctly or produces something that the host is looking for. Next, the contestant wins a prize, usually money. However, if they are lucky, they get a chance to make a deal. The choice is usually between two or more doors or curtains. The contestant decides to risk whatever they have for the possibility of something better behind one of the doors. Sometimes they win a new car. Sometimes they win a horse and some hay. It all depends on which door they choose. How often have you faced choices in your life and selected the wrong door? How often have you made a bad deal? How many times have you attempted to receive your healing but it got ‘too real’ or it became too hard and you gave up and chose another door? Sometimes, the road to healing is hard. Sometimes, we

The Power of Negativity

It may surprise you to know that power travels on the negative. Yes, you read correctly – negatively charged electrons travel to the positive. Without the charge of negative electrons, there would be no power. The first time I heard this, I didn’t believe it, so I did my own research, and indeed, the person who shared this with me is correct. There are two types of currents: AC and DC. In Direct Current, the power flows only from negative to positive. In Alternating Current, the power flows back and forth between positive and negative. But, why am I explaining this to you? Without the negativity, there would be no flow of power. Oh, I could shout right here! When haters come upon you and speak death and destruction over you, don't hate them for hating. Thank them for the power that they just gave to you. In a Direct Current, the positive does not move, it only consumes the power from the negative charge. God said that He would make your enemies your footstool. H

Mind the Gap

Everyone goes through a season when you are moving from one place in life to the next. From glory to glory. From job to job. From hurting to healing. From victim to victory. During this season, there is always a period of time between when you decide to make the change and when you achieve your goal. When you are preparing to embark on a new journey, there is excitement mixed with a little bit of fear. You can’t wait to get started. You’re making your plans and you’re telling your friends about the new thing that is happening to you. You’re packing your bags. You’re studying the Word. You’re attending church. You’re sending out your resume. You’re putting yourself first. You’re allowing yourself to feel again. You’re declaring your freedom. You’ve won the battle. . . or so you think. Things may not move along as swiftly or as easily as you would like them to. Friends and family may not support you on your journey. You may allow fear to creep in. You may begin

Are You On the Right Path?

During my morning walk, I took a detour from the track to the walking path through the woods. Normally, I avoid this path because the trees shade it and sometimes I am out there alone in the middle of the woods. However, today was different. Today, my Spirit said, “Do it,” and so I did. About halfway through my walk, the paths diverged. Turn left and I would continue to the full circuit. Turn right and I would cut the walk by about a quarter-mile. Of course, I wanted to go left. I wanted to push myself. I wanted to see what I could do. After all, I’d already walked a mile and a half. Let’s do this, I thought. But my Spirit said, “Turn right.” Can you guess what happened next? I turned left and began walking. But after about ten steps, I remembered the word ‘obedience.’ So, I turned around and took the path that led to the right. In that moment, I realized that this is exactly what we do on our path to our destiny. We push ourselves beyond our limits. We ignore t