It's On!

I've found that my healing is a journey. It's not a destination, it's a process. Each time I think I've arrived I find that there is more work to do. Once I conquered my Mind, I fought to return to Spirit. Now I'm fighting for my Body.

When I was on the battlefield of my Mind I thought it was the worst battle of my life. As I fought to regain control of my thoughts, change my beliefs, and reroute the negativity I tired easily. It's difficult to unlearn what has taken a lifetime to acquire. Yet I kept pushing and praying, crying and laughing, fighting and winning. I learned that I'm stronger than the enemy would have me believe.

Once I won that battle of my Mind I knew that I could go deeper and fight to return to Spirit. It was a fight to resurrect myself. If I had known that going in, I'm not so sure that I would have taken on the fight. I told God that I was ready to change and let go of ALL of the things that kept me trapped. It took seven years to get free.

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It took longer than it should have. It hurt more than I expected. It cost more than I counted. But it was worth it.

I'm stronger. I'm better. I'm wiser. I'm still fighting.

Each time I fought I thought the battle would kill me. I tell you this because now I'm fighting for my Body. For me, this seems like the toughest fight. I think the fight you're in always seems like the worst one. But I had no idea how much pain is trapped in my cells or how much my Body has accommodated for the trauma it's been through. The Body remembers things that the Mind forgets.

Have you ever gone for a run or had an intense workout and you cried? This is called an emotional release. In addition to all the wounds that you can see, your Body harbors stress, pain, memories, trauma, and unseen issues that occasionally manifest during physical activity. You don't have to be overweight for this to happen. It can happen to anyone.

I never thought that I'd share this part of my healing with you but here I am. Someone needs to know that the fight for your life -- the fight to align Mind, Body, and Spirit is real. To walk in the life that God ordained for you requires fighting in each of these areas.

So, here I go. I'm a Warrior in every sense of the word. The fight to bring my Body into alignment may be the hardest battle yet but I'm determined to win. Pray for me as I pray for you. We can win together.

I'm fighting for greater health and that means losing weight, gaining muscle, making better choices, and dealing with the emotional release that seems to pop up at the most awkward moments. It's a battle that I intend to win. It's on!


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