Mirror Mirror Moments

Most of us look in the mirror at least once per day but many of us avoid mirrors because they make us feel uncomfortable. We believe that our discomfort stems from our dislike of how we look on the outside, but I think it goes deeper than that.

Sometimes we have a Mirror Mirror Moment. A precious moment in time when we catch a glimpse of ourselves as a Spirit. It is in these moments when we may feel the most uncomfortable. We look into our eyes and we see pain, disappointment, questions with few answers, confusion, doubt, and a desire for peace and joy in our lives.

A Mirror Mirror Moment is an opportunity for us to evaluate our present circumstances. It’s a moment to ask ourselves the difficult questions like:
  • Who am I?
  • What am I doing with my life?
  • Where am I going?
  • When is my life going to change?
  • Why haven’t I achieved my dreams?
  • How did I get here?

As a woman who has experienced sexual assault or sexual abuse, or perhaps abuse of any kind, the questions may be a little different:
  • Who am I and how did I become this person? Who did this to me?
  • What am I going to do to get over this pain?
  • Where am I going next in my life? Will I ever be free of this shame?
  • Why can’t I get over this? Why can’t I move forward?
  • When am I going to be healed? When is God going to save me?
  •  How did I let it get this bad? How am I going to come out of the darkness?

A Mirror Mirror Moment may cause you fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness. However, it can be a good moment if you change your perception. This moment can be perceived as an opportunity for you to begin answering the questions that will lead you to the path of healing and deliverance from the darkness. But it won't be easy.

For example, during one of my Mirror Mirror Moments, I thought, Who am I and why am I this person? Why am I still here? I’m tired and I’m worn out. I hate the way I am feeling today . . . again.

That moment happened to me a few months before my 25th birthday, and I had spent another day in tears . . .  again, because I wasn’t over “it.” No matter how much I partied, no matter how much I worked, no matter how much I tried to convince myself that I was okay, I wasn’t. Whenever my Mind had a free moment, I thought about the rape, I thought about the molestation, I thought about the abuse. I felt hopeless and I felt powerless.

But something happened that day and I made a decision that changed the rest of my life. I decided to take back something that was stolen from me and I never woke up crying again.

I’ve decided to share part of that story with you in today’s video. I’m ready to take L.A.M.B.S. viral because there are millions of women like us who are tired of living in the darkness and it’s time to live in full exposure. It’s time for L.I.F.E.

I hope that you will join me. Be the light.


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