What's the Deal?

As I planned to begin something new in my life, I remembered the television game show, Let’s Make a Deal. To play the game, an audience member is chosen. Then he or she talks to the host and answers a question correctly or produces something that the host is looking for. Next, the contestant wins a prize, usually money. However, if they are lucky, they get a chance to make a deal. The choice is usually between two or more doors or curtains. The contestant decides to risk whatever they have for the possibility of something better behind one of the doors. Sometimes they win a new car. Sometimes they win a horse and some hay. It all depends on which door they choose.

How often have you faced choices in your life and selected the wrong door? How often have you made a bad deal? How many times have you attempted to receive your healing but it got ‘too real’ or it became too hard and you gave up and chose another door?

Sometimes, the road to healing is hard. Sometimes, we must keep moving forward, even when we’re tired. We must stay focused, even when we feel like giving up and giving in. We must hold it all together; even when it seems like everything is falling apart. We must not look back. We must choose to press forward towards the goal.

When we are hurting, we want the pain to go away. When we are sad, we want joy. When we are sick, we want healing. When we are lost, we want to be found. When we are in the darkness of despair and depression, we want light and happiness. And so, sometimes we make a deal. We try to bargain with God and we say, “Lord, if you will just do this one thing for me, I’ll never do that thing again.” Then, when the answer isn’t what we expected, we cry out, “Lord, why didn’t you do it? I thought we had a deal?”

Let me help you here—God doesn’t make deals! BOOM! There it is! He offers you the choice between LIFE or DEATH. That’s it! There is no negotiating. There is no bargaining. There is no half-stepping. It is what it is and it is whatever you choose it to be.

Choosing L.I.F.E doesn’t mean that you won’t have problems. It means that you will have Him to lean on when times get tough. Choosing L.I.F.E doesn’t mean that you won’t have any sorrow or pain. It means that weeping may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning. Choosing L.I.F.E means that you are choosing to walk towards the light even while you are living in a dark world. Choosing L.I.F.E. means that you may face trials but you will prevail. Choosing L.I.F.E. means that you are choosing your healing over your hurting. Choosing L.I.F.E. means that you are willing to Live In Full Exposure to whatever leads you to fulfilling your purpose and living your life more abundantly.

Choosing DEATH means that you will have problems, but unfortunately, you will choose to deal with them on your own. You will have sorrow and you will have pain, but sadly, you will not find your joy in the morning. In fact, you aren’t even expecting joy to stop by and visit you. You’ve given up on finding the solution to your problems. You mistakenly believe that you are damaged beyond repair and you will never be healed. You’ve lost hope for your future. You’re losing the battle and you’re no longer sure what you’re fighting for. You’ve Denied Every Attempt at True Healing in your life. You’ve buckled and you’ve given in to the darkness of this world—depression, self-hate, anger, resentment, and despair. Quite simply, you’ve given up on L.I.F.E. and you’ve chosen DEATH.

Here’s a nugget of truth for you—Your life is a reflection of every deal and every choice you have made. There is no one else to blame for your present circumstances except YOU. I know that’s hard for you to swallow. You may be thinking, I’ve been abused. I’ve been raped. I’ve been beaten down. He cheated on me. They left me. They don’t love me. She hurt me. No one was there for me. How can you say that MY life is about MY choices?

To this I respond: What did you choose to do about those experiences? How did you choose to move forward in your life? Did the experience kill you? If YOU ARE reading this blog, the resounding answer is No. Did you lose your Mind? Maybe you did lose it for a brief time, but YOU ARE still here. Did the circumstances harm your Body? Perhaps. But YOU ARE still sitting here reading these words and feeling what I’m saying on a deeper level. Did it destroy your Spirit? I think not. After all, YOU ARE HERE and WE ARE together in this moment, reaching for our light in a dark world. How have you chosen to live your life based on your bad experiences? What deals have you made to avoid feeling the pain?

What I want you to receive deep down in your Spirit is that you don’t have to live in the darkness that pervades every area of your life. What happened to you are experiences that are a part of the millions of experiences you will have in your life. I don’t devalue your pain. I feel it. I don’t devalue your thoughts. I’ve had them, too. I don’t disrespect your body. I have my own issues. HOWEVER, I DECIDE what path I choose. I CHOOSE which experiences I want to be exposed to. I CONTROL what my thoughts and reactions will be to my experiences and that is what determines my future. I make a conscience decision to walk in the light and Expose myself to the myriad GOOD and sometimes GREAT experiences that L.I.F.E. offers me.

Oh, it is so simple to say it. And, believe me, I don’t take these words lightly. But isn’t it time to change your perceptions about your life experiences and elevate your Mind to a new way of thinking? Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Don’t you want your Spirit to be at peace?

Imagine what your life could be if you would only choose to LIVE it RIGHT NOW. Imagine the weights falling off of you. Imagine your negative thoughts being such a distant memory that you can’t even remember your old self-talk. Imagine smiling again, even when you’re crying or facing a difficult choice because you know that though it may be challenging, you’re going to choose the path to healing and freedom.

I AM offering you the chance to Live In Full Exposure, the chance to choose L.I.F.E. and all that it has to offer. I want you to make the decision to stop Denying Every Attempt at True Healing and become open to receiving the healing and the joy that you have been longing for.

Two doors are before you—LIFE or DEATH. Please don’t make another bad deal, choose L.I.F.E.

I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live,” (Deuteronomy 30:19 AMP).


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