Mind the Gap

Everyone goes through a season when you are moving from one place in life to the next. From glory to glory. From job to job. From hurting to healing. From victim to victory. During this season, there is always a period of time between when you decide to make the change and when you achieve your goal.

When you are preparing to embark on a new journey, there is excitement mixed with a little bit of fear. You can’t wait to get started. You’re making your plans and you’re telling your friends about the new thing that is happening to you. You’re packing your bags. You’re studying the Word. You’re attending church. You’re sending out your resume. You’re putting yourself first. You’re allowing yourself to feel again. You’re declaring your freedom. You’ve won the battle. . . or so you think.

Things may not move along as swiftly or as easily as you would like them to. Friends and family may not support you on your journey. You may allow fear to creep in. You may begin wondering if you can do it — if you can make it. Your faith may falter. You may think about turning back. You’re in the gap — the place between where you started and where you’re going to be.

While you’re in the gap, it seems easy to go back to the comfort of your old life, your old job, your old feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. It may seem easy to return to the self-pity, to the pain, to the negative thoughts. Be ready to fight! Life altering change is not a battle for the faint of heart. Transformation is a battle for warriors. We are talking about life changing, destiny fulfilling, heart healing change. It is not for the weak!

In this season, you MUST mind the gap. THIS IS THE PLACE where you are being taken through the fire so that you may come out as pure gold. THIS IS THE PLACE where you will be stripped of everything familiar so that a NEW thing may spring forth. THIS IS THE PLACE where your faith, your hope, and your trust in God is being tested. You MUST mind the gap and appreciate the journey. Don’t let your fear keep you from the experiences that you are meant to walk through in the gap. You are being prepared for the NEW thing and the challenges are just part of the process. You MUST release the past and embrace the future but always be Mindful of the NOW.

If you are not minding the gap, the enemy will wreak havoc in your Mind, Body, and Spirit. He will try to distract you and he will make you lose your focus. He will use your family and friends to speak death into your situation. He will use fear to weaken your faith. He will cause you to eat more when you are under stress. He will cause you to over work yourself to the point of exhaustion. He will make you think it’s not worth it. He will use every weapon he has to try to destroy you because he doesn’t want you to win.

While minding the gap, you MUST cover yourself in prayer and arm yourself with the Word. Ask others to pray in agreement with you. Be conscious of every thought. Be thoughtful about every Word you speak. Be intentional in speaking life over yourself and others. Fight to maintain your focus. The sooner you relinquish your old ways of thinking, the sooner your transformation will occur.

Be Mindful of the people that show up in the gap. Some are meant to promote you but others are meant to pain you. There will be a pruning and a planting going on at the same time. Ask for discernment to know the difference.

Pay attention to what your Body is telling you in the gap. You may not like the same foods. You may feel uncomfortable in your skin. You may want to change your current exercise routine or you may begin exercising out of respect for your temple. You may tire easily. You may sleep more. It takes a lot out of you to go through the gap. You will need your energy and you will need to be WIDE AWAKE so that you may stop, look, and listen for His direction in every situation and in every interaction.

In the gap, your Spirit is growing. Talk to people who support your growth and who will help you on the journey. Feel that your Spirit has been longing to shine and allow it to come through you so that others may see Him through you. Whether it be on your new job, in a book you’re writing, in a new venture you’re developing — allow your Spirit to guide you. Take time each morning to connect to Him through meditation and prayer. Be yielded and ask for direction and divine appointments.

If you mind the gap, you will reach your goal and YOU WILL WIN, if you do not give up. As you go through, we will be here praying for you and cheering you on as you cross over.

“Your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.” ~ Earl Nightingale


  1. Love this blog and the compelling inspiration to follow your dreams, expect obstacles and do not give up! Shared it with a group of life coaches at Christian Coach Institute where the goal is to keep their clients MOVING FORWARD!


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