The Power of Negativity
It may surprise you to know that power travels on the negative. Yes, you read correctly – negatively charged electrons travel to the positive. Without the charge of negative electrons, there would be no power. The first time I heard this, I didn’t believe it, so I did my own research, and indeed, the person who shared this with me is correct. There are two types of currents: AC and DC. In Direct Current, the power flows only from negative to positive. In Alternating Current, the power flows back and forth between positive and negative. But, why am I explaining this to you? Without the negativity, there would be no flow of power. Oh, I could shout right here! When haters come upon you and speak death and destruction over you, don't hate them for hating. Thank them for the power that they just gave to you. In a Direct Current, the positive does not move, it only consumes the power from the negative charge. God said that He would make your enemies your footstool. H...