What Type of Flower Are You?
planned to plant new flowers this fall, so I looked at my yard for inspiration.
Guess what I found? The flowers that I planted last year had bloomed again. You
guessed it...I planted perennials.
years, I bought annuals and planted them. Then I uprooted them and planted new
flowers. Last fall, I wanted to teach my four-year-old about flowers—how they are
planted, and how they grow, bloom, die, and have to be planted again. Well, the lesson was
for me. In my zeal to teach him, I mistakenly bought perennials.
bloom during the season, die, and then come back stronger the next year. Some
perennials even spread and have to be cut back, lest they take over the yard or
planter. Wow! That’s an entirely different lesson to teach my son. I can teach
him to be a perennial in life. No matter how many attacks the enemy launches
against him, he can come back bigger and stronger than before.
about it.
you are a survivor of any type of abuse, at some point you became an annual or
a perennial. You chose, probably subconsciously, how you would live the rest of
your life based on the hurt you experienced. As you tried to fight your way out
of the pain, you either tried to reinvent your life each time or you fought
through the pain, dug deeper, and came back stronger after each battle.
my youth, I was an annual. Each year, I promised myself that I was going to let
go of the pain. I promised that I was going to become a better person, love
myself more, and forgive those who wronged me. Yet, year after year, I found myself
in the same position. I never had time to grow and become stronger because I was
constantly uprooting myself whenever I felt uncomfortable.
I grew older and stronger in my faith, I became a perennial. I planted myself
and watered my Spirit with the Word. I made up my Mind that I would not be
moved, no matter what device the enemy used to attack me. I grew where I was
planted and my faith took root. As I continued to study the Word and fill my
Mind with life changing Spiritual principles and new thoughts, I began to grow.
I became stronger each year and eventually I wanted to share what I learned
with others. My faith and my love began spreading.
there times when I still feel the absence of the sun on my leaves? Yes. In
those moments, I call on my faith to get me through. I am rooted and I come
back stronger. I have learned that when thoughts, behaviors, and relationships
in my life have served their purpose, I need to let them die. It’s okay for me
to lose those leaves. When they go into the ground, they become fertilizer for
my Spirit and help me to grow stronger for my next season.
MIND: What
thoughts have taken root in your mind? As a survivor, you may find that
thoughts of blame, shame, guilt, and pain often creep into your thoughts. You
are NOT what someone did to you. You are NOT a victim. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO
next time one of these thoughts crosses your mind, change the thought
immediately. Close your eyes for a few seconds and see yourself as a beautiful
flower. Feel the sun shining on you and reach for the light. Dig your feet into
the ground and stand strong. Say aloud, “I am a beautiful flower. My roots are
deep and strong. I will continue to grow and thrive. I shall not be moved.”
BODY: When you
are a survivor, you often think that your body is not your own. You may not
take care of yourself like you should. This may take the form of poor personal
hygiene, obesity, eating disorders, or poor personal grooming. It may even be
difficult to look at yourself in the mirror.
you must accept that your body is a manifestation of the
you are alone, look at yourself in the mirror. You may be clothed or naked when
you do this. Look at your reflection and ask, “What have I done to myself to
hide myself from the world?”
may not wear make-up so that you blend in or you may wear baggy clothes to hide
your body. You may not do your hair because you don’t want to put in the effort
to look good. You may have allowed yourself to become overweight because you
eat to cover the pain. You may be starving yourself to deal with the pain or
you may be physically hurting yourself to maintain the pain.
you treat yourself is a manifestation of how you treat God. Yes, I said it. He
lives within you and how you treat yourself is how you are treating Him. If you
are looking to have a stronger faith walk then you have to begin by taking care
of yourself. If you make time for yourself, you will make time for Him.
to change just one thing about yourself and make it your focus. If you think
you will need help, then reach out to someone who can help you. What does this
look like?
you have an eating disorder or you are overweight, go speak with a
nutritionist, a personal trainer, or with your doctor. If you haven’t changed
your hair in twenty years, go talk to a hair stylist. If you are hurting yourself,
reach out to a mental health professional. Most of these people will provide
you with a free consultation.
you’re not ready to see someone in person, search the Internet or go to the
library, research your issue, and develop a plan to make a change. Talk to a
friend about your thoughts and enlist their help.
positive thoughts take root in your MIND and you continue to feed your SPIRIT,
your BODY will naturally want to change. KEEP MOVING. KEEP GROWING. KEEP
season, buy two flowers or houseplants and put them in the soil. As you remove
the plants from the container, look at the roots, shake them loose, and think
of rooting yourself.
Plant #1 and give it the food it needs. Periodically remove the dead leaves.
Watch how the plant grows and spreads as you continue to feed it and take care
of it.
Plant #2 alone. Feed it occasionally. Remove it from the sun or light it
requires and don’t prune it. Notice how it turns brown and begins to die from
lack of care and attention.
plants are examples of your Spirit. If you take care of yourself and stay
rooted like Plant #1, you will continually grow stronger. Feed yourself the
Word and stay close to the Son. Drink plenty of water, too. Staying hydrated
will also help your Body.
you are like most people, you care for yourself sporadically, like Plant #2.
THE GOOD NEWS is that you can save yourself and thrive (and so can Plant #2)!
Start focusing on feeding your Spirit with the Word and surrounding yourself
with quality people and experiences. Get rid of your dead leaves. Fertilize
your Spirit and watch yourself grow.
like the plant, you can take a piece of yourself, share it with others, and
watch your words and kindness take root in them. Once your plant outgrows the
container, take a piece of it, plant it in another container, and share it with
a friend. You will be giving them life.
is the flower you've got to let grow.” ~ John Lennon
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