
Showing posts from March, 2012

What is RIGHT With You?

As a survivor of mental, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, you may find yourself constantly questioning your abilities. You may look in the mirror and struggle to call yourself beautiful. You may have trouble accepting compliments from others. You may blame yourself for every argument or disagreement that you have with your spouse or significant other. If you don’t get the new job, you assume that you were a bad candidate. And, more often than not, you are repeating the same question: What’s wrong with me? Beloved, there is nothing wrong with you. If someone hurt you, there was something wrong with him or her . If someone took something from you that didn’t belong to them, it was their problem. He or she was the one who had something wrong with them. I am a survivor of physical, sexual, mental, and emotional abuse. I know how you feel. No matter how hard you work at your job, on your appearance, or with your family, you still find yourself asking if you are d...

How Bad Do You Want It?

The video in this week’s entry was sent to me months ago, yet I have kept it as a constant reminder that what He has for me is for me, and that I am the only one who can keep myself from getting it. When I am weary from fighting, when I fall asleep crying, when I cry out to Him for help, when I feel like giving up, when my friends disappear, I ask myself: How bad do you want it? I then take it one step further and ask: How bad do I want Him? He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Every time I find myself faltering or getting weak, I realize it is because I have not been spending enough time with Him. Sometimes, I have even been guilty of trying to make things happen on my own. Have you ever heard from Him and then thought that things weren’t moving along fast enough, so you decided to take matters into your own hands, only to find yourself lost again? I need some honest people to give me an “Amen” on that one. You know that you’re a control freak, but you love G...