The Power of One

Over the years, I tried many things to align my body and get healthier: diets, gym memberships, cleanses, martial arts, not eating, and so on. However, this year was different. I asked Him what I should do and to my surprise, He directed me to a personal trainer. I immediately asked, “Are you sure, Lord? Because you know my attitude.” And immediately, He answered, “That’s exactly why I want you to do it. There is power in one.”

The holy trinity is ONE. Your mind, body, and spirit are ONE person. All of these things are a part of YOU. Imagine what you could do in your life if you harnessed the POWER of the ONE that lives in you.

Recently, I told a dear friend about my journey with L.A.M.B.S. and the vision that God gave to me, and she said, “You know it will be just you and Him. It’s just going to be you and God on this journey. Are you going to be okay with that?” To my surprise, I am. I have realized that people will come and go in my life, and that is fine. However, the one thing that is never going to fail me is my God. I find comfort in knowing that there is an indwelling in me. I find solace in knowing that my Comforter will come to me whenever I seek Him. I find joy knowing that no matter how hard it may be or how much the enemy may try to stop me, he can’t! Why? Because I am the POWER of ONE! Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

It doesn’t take a group of people to change the world—it only takes ONE. It won’t take a team of people to make your dream come true—it only takes ONE.

Let me make it clear—YOU are POWERFUL beyond your wildest imagination. Yet, you keep looking for someone on the outside to help you when all you need is what you already have on the inside. YOU have the POWER. The POWER of ONE.

Alright, you may still be thinking, “She doesn’t know me. She doesn’t know what I’ve been through.” You are right. I don’t know you and I don’t know what you’ve been through. However, the key word in that sentence is “through.” You made it through and you are still here, able to read this blog, able to type on your computer to get here, able to breath and continue living. You know what that means don’t you? YOU ARE THE POWER OF ONE! Yep, that’s right. You made it through, which tells me that you can make it again, but this time you’ll be smarter about it.

George Lucas created a billion dollar industry on this very concept. It’s called Star Wars. Maybe you’ve heard of it? The reason the Jedi knights always triumph is that they have mastered “the force,” as in “May the force be with you.” Can I help you get this? The force is the POWER. The force is always with you. You can do anything you set your mind, body, and spirit to do because you have the POWER!

This week, review your life and all the things you’ve made it through. You may have had help, you may have done it on your own, or you may still be going through something. But, once you realize that you already have everything you need, you will realize that ONE is the magic number.

MIND: Think about one goal that you would like to achieve. Be honest with yourself about why you haven’t made progress toward achieving the goal. What you will most likely find is that you need a mental shift in how you are viewing the steps it takes to get there.

Think about what YOU can do to make it happen and then create a plan to make it happen. Yes, your plan may include other people or resources that can help you, but realize that YOU are the driving force behind making it a reality.

Plant a thought in your mind: I have the POWER to change my life. I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance and power. I already have everything I need. I am the POWER of ONE and I am a force to be reckoned with.

BODY: Do you have a vice? Maybe it’s drinking, smoking, eating too much or little, losing weight, or some other bodily challenge. We all have one. Realize that the only reason you haven’t let go of that vice is YOU. No matter how many patches, diets, books, shots, or gimmicks you try, you are not going to make progress until YOU do something.

Sit with your feet on the floor or stand in a quiet room, preferably barefoot. Even better, do it outside (but with shoes on). Close your eyes, breathe in deeply through your nose, and let your jaw relax as you breath out. Do this for as long as you need to, until you are relaxed. Feel the POWER of controlling your breath in the moment. Accept that just as you can control your breathing, you can also control the change that you want to see in your body. There is POWER in every breath you take. Think about the one thing you want to improve in your body and see that it is already done. Whenever you feel challenged, come back to this exercise and connect to the POWER within.

SPIRIT: As you are doing the exercise in BODY, begin to search your Spirit for obstacles. Whatever does not manifest externally is because it is being blocked internally. Realize that you are not manifesting a bodily change because something in your Spirit or your Mind is blocking you from achieving your goal. Go deeper. Seek to have thoughts that you’ve never had before. Allow your Spirit to open up and tell you things that you may have forgotten.

When you finish the meditation, think of ways to strengthen your Spirit and tap into the POWER. Maybe it’s a daily walk, a long bath, a workout, or five minutes of peace in an empty conference room. Find time during your day to be still, connect to your POWER, and hear what is being said to you.

Ideally, you want to do this early in the morning before you start your busy day, and again in the evening before you lay down to rest. I guarantee that you will gain clarity and you will feel yourself getting stronger. You will tap into your own POWER and begin to move forward with authority.


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