Faith vs. Fear
It's time
to face your fears and stare them down with faith! The verse this week is my
favorite verse because it set me free about a year ago. I was worried about
whether or not my business would succeed, whether I was being a good Mother,
where money was going to come from, whether I would write my book, and many
other fears clouded my mind. Then, I read that verse. I read it every day
for months, and then I prostrated and prayed that verse and cried out to God
for Him to do it. And you know what—He did it!
How many
times do you go into what I like to call "analysis paralysis" because
you are afraid to move forward in an area of your life? You make excuses not to
go after something new or step into unfamiliar territory because you just don't
know enough about it? That's not always you taking the time to perform your due
diligence, sometimes it's just FEAR—plain and simple.
is False Evidence Appearing Real. I always found that acronym fascinating,
since my Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for
and the evidence of things unseen. I've just learned to discern between
the voice of the Spirit telling me that something is going to happen for
me—that faith type of evidence—versus my ego telling me that something is wrong
for me—false evidence appearing real.
When you
step out in complete faith and release your fears, angels start moving on your
behalf. God directs your every step, Jesus walks with you, and the Holy Spirit
tells you which way to go!
you can move mountains, if you have faith and believe.
MIND: This week, write a list of things
that you would attempt to do if you knew you would not fail. What would you do
if you didn't make any excuses, if you let go of your fear? After you make the
list, pick at least one of those things and be like Nike, and just do it! You
will be surprised by the results...I guarantee.
BODY: Let go of the notion that once you
get healthy and lose weight that you will be uncomfortable in your new body.
That is the fear of something new. Our cells remember, and that's why sometimes
losing weight is so emotional—because you are literally letting go of feelings
that have kept you in the familiar place of feeling safe for so long. Decide
that it is time to shed the old skin and accept the new skin that God is trying
to pour into.
SPIRIT: After you write your list in the
MIND exercise, be still and meditate. Listen to the different voices that come
once you decide to attempt something new. Disregard the fearful thoughts from
the enemy and focus, focus, focus on what the Holy Spirit is whispering to you.
Get free!
“I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered
me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4 KJV)
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