Lift Every Voice
The muting of a woman's voice isn't a new issue but it's a lingering problem in our world. As much as we chant that girls run the world -- in most countries and boardrooms and in many homes -- women still don't have a voice. I'm not talking about having a place at the table. Being in the room and being heard and respected are two very different things. I recently met with a colleague to talk about our career paths and obstacles to our success. Each of us has a seat at the table but I'm usually muted because I'm a woman of color. She's muted because she's considered "edgy". What does that even mean? A woman can't ask difficult questions or bring up uncomfortable subjects without being labeled difficult, outspoken or edgy. A woman of color can't speak passionately about a topic without being called angry or aggressive. We're not heard in the boardroom but we're also not heard at home or in society. I believe that our sil...