DYM: The Wonder Years
I wonder how much different things would be Dear younger me Our minds have the ability to dream about the future and remember the past. I’d bet that most of us spend our time thinking about what we could have or should have done differently. We spend countless hours, days, and years replaying events and wondering what would have happened if we made a different choice. We ask ourselves questions like: What if I’d fought harder? What if I’d gone to school when I had the chance? What if I’d asked for more money when I took the job? What if I’d stayed instead of leaving? What if I’d left when it happened the first time? What if I’d chosen a different profession? What if I’d chosen a different mate? What if . . . and the list goes on. We spend the precious time that we have now running through scenarios that could have, maybe, possibly changed our current situation. We play the blame game. We cry. We get angry. We. Waste. Time. I believe the only rea...